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our wanderings through the spaces of the Internet we have found
out the following pages, which, probably, will be interesting and
for you also:
poetry and songs:
http://rpo.library.utoronto.ca -
Representative Poetry Online
minstrels/index.html - miscellaneous poems of many authors
http://www.emule.com/poetry/ -
thousands of classical poems, an educational resource to aid students,
educators, and the curious
search.php?cat=Poetry - human-read audio books: poetry
http://ingeb.org -
mostly German and English folk songs, texts and melodies
pictures, photos and cards:
The herd.htm - our new-year pigs are delivered directly from
jokes and anecdotes:
http://www.jokes.net -
very nice jokes
http://commonplacebook.com -
a lot of wonderful one-liners and aphorisms
http://www.workjoke.com -
a big collection of professional jokes about programmers, mathematicians,
engineers, lawyers, accountants, managers etc.
http://www.corsinet.com -
not too bad jokes here, also
! Please,
keep it in mind, that the content of some materials, placed on
the given pages, may prove to be insulting for you. And do not
forget (as usual in the Internet) to be armed with anti-virus program,
firewall and antispyware.
http://www.filehippo.com -
not a very big one, but a great place for useful freeware downloads,
very convenient
http://www.tucows.com -
freeware and shareware
http://www.klitetools.com -
here you will also find a lot of useful freeware-programs
http://www.mozilla.com -
the home-page of Firefox, one of the best browsers, and of Thunderbird,
a post client (both are freeware)
http://www.free-av.com -
German anti-virus program, freeware
http://www.free-webhosts.com -
a list and reviews of free web-hostings
http://en.wikipedia.org -
a free multilingual encyclopedia, in which each can create, change
or supplement any article
http://bbc.co.uk -
BBC news
http://www.voanews.com -
Voice of America, news and information
http://www.gutenberg.org -
free e-texts and audio books, human-read and computer-generated
http://librivox.org -
free audio books, human-read
http://ingeb.org -
folk songs, German and English
http://www.the-underdogs.info -
freeware games, some of them are just brilliant
http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/ -
learning languages with BBC
Welcome to the site of the Community of the CDP!
to make our life better, our streets cleaner, our thoughts brighter?
Every man in the certain periods of his life has
various questions, both of the philosophical and of the common,
everyday character. And the thoughts of this man, his mood, attitude
to himself and to the surrounding people, and, at last, his whole
life frequently depends on the answers to these questions.
So, in the part "NOTES", where the materials
reflecting various aspects of our existence are published, there
are some answers to similar questions. And, who knows, maybe, some
of them are correct?
The headers of the other sections of this page
speak for themselves. Our favorite jokes and anecdotes, pictures,
photos and cards, poetry and songs, freeware games were assembled
Pay attention and to our THEMATIC LINKS at the
right part of screen. We've chosen the most appropriate sites (from
our point of view), with minimum of pop-ups and the least irritating
advertising content.
The given part of the site is planned to be updated
monthly. So look in periodically.
You can fill up our collection. Our request is
to refrain from unprintable or rough language (especially, out
of place:o). The selection of the materials will be carried out
by the administration of the Conservative Development Party.
We're looking forward to hearing from you!
! If
you don't see a link to a stand-alone html-document you're interested
in, you may want to visit the Flash-version of
this page. You will need Flash
Player version 6.0 or higher.
- English Classics:
- XVI century:
- XVII century:
- XVIII century:
- Jonathan Swift: Stella's Birthday March 13, 1719; Stella's
Birthday March 13, 1727; and Verses
on the Death of Dr. Swift, D.S.P.D.;
- Alexander Pope: from An Essay on Man: Epistle II;
- Oliver Goldsmith: An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog;
- Robert Burns: A Red, Red Rose; It was a' for our Rightful
King; Ae Fond Kiss;
- XIX century:
- William Blake: Introduction (Songs of Innocence), A
Poison Tree, The Clod and the Pebble (Songs of Experience);
- William Wordsworth: I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud;
- George Gordon, Lord Byron: When We Two Parted; And
Thou art Dead, as Young and Fair;
- Percy Bysshe Shelley: Ozymandias;
- John Keats: Fancy;
- John Alfred, Lord Tennyson: Ring Out, Wild Bells; In
Memoriam A. H. H. OBIIT MDCCCXXXIII: 54;
- XX century:
- American Classics:
- XIX century:
- Ralph Waldo Emerson: Brahma, The Snow-Storm, Give
All To Love, The Rhodora (On Being Asked, Whence Is the
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: The Ladder of St. Augustine;
- Edgar Allan Poe: A Dream within a Dream, The
Raven, A Dream;
- James Russell Lowell: The Street;
- XX century:
- Robert Frost: The Road Not Taken, Fire and Ice, Range-finding;
- John Gillespie Magee, Jr.: High Flight.
- R. L. Stevenson: from A Child's Garden of Verses: Whole
Duty of Children, Windy
Nights, Looking
Forward, The
Cow, The
Wind (To Alison Cunningham); Armies
in the Fire (The Child Alone);
- Eugene Field: Wynken,
Blynken, and Nod; Little
Boy Blue; The
Dinkey Bird; Pittypat
and Tippytoe; Shuffle-Shoon
and Amber-Locks;
- Ogden Nash: The
Boy Who Laughed at Santa Claus, The
Ant, Children's
Party, The
Firefly, The
Tale of Custard the Dragon, The
Abominable Snowman, Song
To Be Sung by the Father of Infant Female Children, The
- Ann and Jane Taylor: The Star, The Cut;
- Robert Williams Woods: How
to Tell the Birds from the Flowers;
- Vachel Lindsay: The Lion.
- Limericks by H. G. Wells, Gelett Burgess, J. W. Wells, Edward
Lear, unknown;
- Clerihews by Michael Curl, Edmund Clerihew Bentley, Louis
Untermeyer, W. H. Auden, Paul Horgan, Brian Leftow, Henry Taylor,
Phyllis Oder;
- Miscellaneous humorous poetry (Jokes in Poetic Form):
- Ogden Nash: Common Sense, Reflections on Ice-Breaking,
The Fly, Candy is dandy;
- Gelett Burgess: The Purple Cow, The Purple Cow: Suite;
- Jonathan Swift: Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift, D.S.P.D.;
- Hillaire Belloc: Is there any reward?
Melodies: only in the flash-version of the page.
- in russian:
- in english:
- aus deutch:
Our Gallery (also in the flash-version of the page) and other pictures:
- Greetings
- Photos
- Funny piglets;
- Out-doors (Nature): Fire!, Slope, Pool
- Flash Movies (you'll need a Flash
- short jokes on programming and computing;
- Q&A;
- funny and wisdom One-liners:
- everyday truth;
- questions;
- things to remember.
Our review, screenshots, download links, flash-games.
Only in the flash-version of
the page.
- Actions:
- Head over Heels by Retrospec;
- Adventures:
- Imogen - Ovine by Design;
- Puzzles:
- RPGs:
- the Spirit Engine by Mark Pay.
- Puzzles:
- Flash-games:
information: Chairman
of the CDP: Alex A. Soubbotin. — Telephone: 765-4845. — E-mail: Alex@Soubbotin.com. |