Notes and Articles.

Global World. Russia. Religion.
The Authors: Dr. A. A. Kovalev, Scvortsova Anna, T. V. Borova.

  1. International law in the era of globalization, by A. A. Kovalev, the Doctor of Jurisprudence
  2. Emerging of the alcoholic production market as a socioeconomic phenomenon, by Scvortsova Anna, The sociologist, management expert
  3. About belief and disbelief, Etude, by T. V. Borova
  4. My recent poetic discoveries (essay, T. V. Borova)

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Theme-based links.

During our wanderings through the spaces of the Internet we have found out the following pages, which, probably, will be interesting and for you also:
poetry and songs:

- Representative Poetry Online ~ssiyer/minstrels/index.html - miscellaneous poems of many authors - thousands of classical poems, an educational resource to aid students, educators, and the curious
- human-read audio books: poetry - mostly German and English folk songs, texts and melodies
pictures, photos and cards:
.uk/The herd.htm
 -  our new-year pigs are delivered directly from there
jokes and anecdotes: -  very nice jokes - a lot of wonderful one-liners and aphorisms - a big collection of professional jokes about programmers, mathematicians, engineers, lawyers, accountants, managers etc. - not too bad jokes here, also

! Please, keep it in mind, that the content of some materials, placed on the given pages, may prove to be insulting for you. And do not forget (as usual in the Internet) to be armed with anti-virus program, firewall and antispyware.

Useful links: - not a very big one, but a great place for useful freeware downloads, very convenient - freeware and shareware  -  here you will also find a lot of useful freeware-programs  -  the home-page of Firefox, one of the best browsers, and of Thunderbird, a post client (both are freeware)  -  German anti-virus program, freeware  -  a list and reviews of free web-hostings  -  a free multilingual encyclopedia, in which each can create, change or supplement any article  -  BBC news  -  Voice of America, news and information  -  free e-texts and audio books, human-read and computer-generated  -  free audio books, human-read  -  folk songs, German and English
http://www.the-underdogs. info  -  freeware games, some of them are just brilliant languages/  -  learning languages with BBC

Contact information

Chairman of the CDP:
Alex A. Soubbotin.
Telephone: 765-4845.


A. A. Kovalev, the Doctor of Jurisprudence

Today, in many respects under influence of globalization - process of a denationalization of the markets, politics and right - it's already impossible to consider international law as explicitly the interstate right order. Now international law, from the point of view of many known lawyers, is transformed, at least partially, to some World right or World internal right, which is affecting both the states, and on intergovernmental and not governmental international organizations, transnational corporations (TNC), and also the physical persons or groups of persons.

The World right can be determined as set of the rules of law arising as a result of partial transformation of traditional state law.

As was marked above, the globalization is some kind of process of a denationalization, which consists in the following.

First, the states depart from performance of a number of their traditional tasks at the international level, transferring them to the national, not state, private legal formations.

Secondly, as a result of development of telecommunication technologies and the Internet, the state in the certain degree lose imperious, managing potential. The state control above the financial markets, ultra right forces, cyber-terrorism, which contradict principles and sense of norms of the right and democratic society, becomes more and more difficult. With the purposes of compensation of the lost control the state even more often resort to exterritorial realization of public authority. Such deterritorealization, in turn, promotes the further destruction of classical model of a territorial nation-state.

Thirdly, in globalized world dominates the activity and interests of institutes influencing world politics and right, such as UN, "Big Eight", IMF, World Bank, WTO, EU, USA. These institutes impose on the small and weak countries the standards of democracy, rights of the man, effective management.

In - fourth, nongovernmental organizations and the groups of the persons are entering the spheres of political activity, which were or are left by the states, or which borders were extended by means of new opportunities interstate communications.

In - fifth, such nongovernmental organizations as "the Green Peace", "the International Amnesty", etc. quite often position themselves in a role of "self-nominated" agents of public interest. More powerful role is carried also by such subjects at the international arena as TNC.

In - sixth, a general direction of a world economy is the movement of mankind to creation of the uniform planetary market of the goods, services, investments (capitals), or, in other words, to uniform economic space. Together with system of the international economic relations changes the international normative system, also, that is closely connected with inner-state right. As a result the rudiments of global legal system are formed.

All these changes mean, that the monopoly of the state as political subject in the international system is destroyed. Alongside with the states, within the framework of the international system the international not governmental organizations, TNC, groups of persons (radical population, ethnical minority) and even the physical persons are cooperating among themselves.

Until now the common right and international treaty were considered to be the classical sources of international law. According to a principle of sovereign equality of the states the obligatory force of norms following from the international custom or the international contract, depend on presence of the consent of the state. At such understanding of international law it was considered, that the common international law had obligatory force only for those states, which did not speak against recognitions of rules (norms) of the law. Similarly international treaties could be considered as having obligatory force only concerning the participants of the treaty.

In due course the requirements for creation of norms of the international common right have been considerably changed by the doctrine and practice of the states considerably . If earlier for this purpose there was necessary an application of the appropriate practice by the greatest number of states, later the observance of practice by the majority of the states became not obligatory for the creation of such a norm . Sufficient for creating a norm of the common right was considered the practice of the several states, including the states directly connected to a subject of this or that common norm . The obligatory force of the international common right is not extrapolated only to those states, which directly have declared the refusal to a new rule or objected to the established practice. Other states, which did not take part in practice or did not act against such practice and common right, were considered as giving the silent consent to such a practice.

As it was marked above, for distribution of the international contract on this or that state last should express the consent to an obligatory character of such contract. This principle, as it is known, contains in the Convention on the right of the international treaties of 1969, which item 34 provides, that "the treaty does not create the obligations or rights for the third state without its consent on that". However this principle in later has received wider interpretation. In some cases distributions of compulsion of the treaty on the third state did not need the consent of this state. Such treaties, as the treaties that are determining borders of the states, demilitarized zones (Antarctic, for example), regime of the international rivers or channels create a so-called "objective" status or mode, which should be respected by the third states and accordingly does not depend on their consent to compulsion of such a treaties for them.

Besides, in connection with the international treaties it is necessary to note also that after World War II the international community addresses to right forming treaties as to an alternative way international right creating. The basic feature such right forming treaties is that they are directed on the achievement of a general purposes, common for all parties of the treaty. Each party in the treaty is obliged to all others by realization of the contractual obligations. The infringement by one party of one of the obligations under the treaty in relation to other party means infringement of the contractual obligation against all other parties under the treaty, irrespective of, whether this infringement put damage or not. For example, if one party under the multilateral convention in the field of protection of the rights of the man breaks the rights of the own citizens or citizens of the country of other participant of the convention, all other state-participants of the convention have the right to apply the sanctions concerning the state - infringer. This "inside-contractual" principle concerning some kinds of the international treaties represents fundamental breakthrough of the international conventional law, giving international law more objective and important character.

the Specified changes in international right creating process testify the increasing role and influence of the multilateral agreements as right forming. Therefore becomes obvious, that the states participating in drawing up and the conclusion of such treaties recognize behind themselves powers to create the right for the international community. At least in the field of protection of the basic values of the international community (preservation of an environment, safety, struggle with terrorism, the human rights, etc.) the states recognize behind themselves the right to create norms of international law, obligatory for all of its subjects. In this connection there is a problem of legitimacy of these states "to issue norms of the right" concerning all international community. If we want such norms to be really universal and work for all states it's necessary, from our point of view, to ensure the participation of all states in right forming and dialogue of the states about material importance of public interests for the international community.

Scvortsova Anna.
The sociologist, management expert.

To understand the behavior of the consumers of wine production in our country, it is necessary to examine it through a prism of historical development of the consumption of alcohol culture in Russia.

The consumption of alcoholic drinks from old times was a precise display of traditional Russian hospitality and valor of spirit, that assumed not only the skill of giving will to passions, but also the ability to constrain them, when necessary.

According to the evidence of the historian И. Прыжкова: "With no fail every secular business began by a feast or good drinking, and consequently the alcohol had vast cultural influence on the peoples' social life".

This tradition is alive to now and the approach of any national holiday is accompanied by the sharp increase of sales of alcoholic production. In order not to miss the buyer at this moment the manufacturers aspire to date their production for the appropriate celebration. From here there is production with the names: "Celebratory", "March 8th", "Christmas", "Easter", etc. The amount of the promotion actions, sales, degustations in shops is sharply increasing.

Still in XV century the recipes of original kinds of honey, strong and alcoholic drinks, which were developed into the products for a mass consumer, as example for a host or for warriors. At this time all alcoholic drinks receives other name - "potion", i.e. a strong drink of poor quality. Intoxication begins to get, apparently, other character: from fun it turns to loss of sense and perniciousness. Many Russian historians of that time mark, that exactly the middle of XV century has appeared to be a time of amazing fall of morals. This was promoted by essential deterioration of quality of alcoholic drinks both of the technology of their preparation, and of their consistence. For the first time drinking places had been opened by the decree of Ivan the Great. The plenty of substitutes ,which use caused not fun, but more often aggression, intended for the common people had appeared . It has rendered huge influence not only on the alcoholic consumption culture, but also on all Russian life.

In the modern alcoholic market one of the most stable segments is a cheap production of doubtful quality, but guaranteeing strong alcoholic intoxication with turbidity of mind. There is no sense to try to examine the given niche in detail, because here works just one role: " cheaper - better", and the demand is great.

The historians mark the Russian people's attitude to drunkenness as to something heroic: " the Host tried to get his guests drink until they were senseless and in such a station he transported them to their homes and drinking not much was the way of afflicting the Host".

In 1781 Crimea has become a member of the Russian Empire. Due to this event in Russia has appeared grape wine, which was made there. In this connection some improvement, at least on the highest levels of society, in culture of alcoholic consumption, was outlined. Spreading of grape wine gave the consumption of alcohol in Russia a kind of nobility, first of all at the highest circles.

As to the largest part of the population, about grape wine there could be no speech - Russia was too poor then. The authority continued to occupy a dual position: on the one hand the decrees were issued on punishments for infringements of the public order in a drunk state and sale of bad quality spirit drinks of individual manufacture was counteracted, and on the other hand it resisted to approach of the teatotelers' movement and at last moment removed all restrictions on manufacture and sale of alcoholic production, realizing the volume of the treasury's losses. According to statistics of that time Katherine II had 29 % of the public revenues, and Nikolai II even 30 % from sale of alcoholic drinks.

During all Soviet period the growth of manufacture and consumption proceeded. And only during the World War II the manufacture was reduced in 5 times, but the introduction of the "narkomovski 100g" (100 g vodka per day for a person) played a fatal role in the development of the alcoholic dependence. Later on, and especially during the stagnant period, the consumption of alcohol has become the integral part of the Soviet life. In second half of the XX-th century many domestic patriots-manufactures put before themselves a task of promotion the market of wine and wine-producing industry of Russia on the world level in order to introduce in the people's culture the consumption of more elite drink. But the anti-monopoly company of 1985 has cut on a root the wine-producing industry of the country. Till now areas of vineyards in the south of Russia are five times less, than were on the eve of this reform.

Less strong grape wine requires bigger dozes in order to achieve the alcoholic intoxication. The situation forces the drinking company into a more long conversation, during which, despite of an amusing atmosphere it is necessary to give tribute to belonging to an aristocratic society and to show the certain restraint. Good wine is remaining the privilege of a very narrow circle of the population.

The aspiration of the majority of people to claim a higher social status has caused a conjuncture of the inexpensive wine which is accessible for the majority of people. The demand, accordingly, was reflected by the offer and the modern market is overflowed by similar production. Many companies choose strategy: "wine for the people" and under pretext of education and introducing of the wine-consumption culture are advancing and selling their production. As a rule, it is expressed in the advertising slogans, custom-made clauses, information leaflets, posters etc.

The same tendency is expressed and in visual design of production. That of them is most claimed, which label is more impressive by its richness, luxury, aristocratic esthetics of the past.

Recently the wine designed as a souvenir is especially of a demand: a bottle wrapped into a sacking or a parchment paper, packed into wooden boxes, with simulation of dust, tied bands, sealing wax stamps, etc. Similar production is some kind of a souvenir, with it it is not a shame to take it as a present for the hosts, to put it on a table. A great demand on the wines in such packing speaks that one of the main stimulus for committing the purchase is a celebratory or holiday event.

The present condition of the wine-producing industry is obviously influenced by the history of formating the wine-consumption culture in our country. Now large influence tries to render and other culture brought to us from foreign countries, especially from the European countries. It is spreading by means of the specialized press and television, but remains just a privilege of a very narrow circle of consumers. But the most part of the population are not easy susceptible to imposing of the other culture and adhere to the original Russian style of the consumption of alcoholic production.

T. V. Borova.

In my opinion, I'm a religious person. Actually, many Christians, I think, will not agree with me. Indeed, I do not observe fasts, seldom visit church, never go into details of religious rituals and holidays and so forth. But, on the other hand, many churches in our country, newly appeared and restored, are simply surprising with the deviations from canonical ideas about those, and on the television it is possible to see in parallel with the sermon of a priest a sale of certain kinds of goods (and, by the way, the Christian church is orthodox). So, some things in the modern approach to religion are surprising even for me.

Well, and now directly to the theme. If we approach the religion from the utilitarian positions, then it is truly priceless. And not only for ruling circles, as it was declared in our country in the period of the belligerent atheism. I mean a role of religion and church in the secular state. For example, it is difficult to prove to a man the necessity of observing the fast,despite presence and abundance of food products in the specific time of year, or to convince the contemporary inhabitant of megapolis to forego some of her everyday clothing, for example, trousers. But there are not a lot of moral and moral values, as a rule, and if the man finds out about them even before he realizes by his own mind (that, however, can never occur to him) the value of life of other man - in my opinion, this is not bad. Moreover, the psychology of a man is very labile , and such a moral "prop" is necessary for everyone at certain moments. Then it seems to us, that, holding on hands her baby, the Blessed Virgin looks at us with sadness and understanding, and we, too, are understanding her. And strangely enough, such "exchange" is capable to relieve many sufferings of our souls. But what an atheist can do in this case? And how then explain to ourselves the sense of the existence, and after - our, as a rule, premature death? So that, even if there is no god, he would be worthwhile thought up.

Borova T. V.

1.Just for the beginning: it must be said that I was always interested in poetry (as far as I can remember) and always thought that I was well acquainted with it. But lately there were several surprises awaiting for me there.
  1. As Russian is my native language, I'll begin with Russian poetry: as it turns out, I've never looked before the XIXth century (when at school possibly, but it was long ago). A really deep impression have left the poetic works of M. V. Lomonosov, and below are few lines from his ode "Вечернее размышление о божием величестве при случае великого северного сияния":
    Лице свое скрывает день; Поля покрыла мрачна ночь; Взошла на горы черна тень; Лучи от нас склонились прочь; Открылась бездна звезд полна; Звездам числа нет, бездне дна...
    And in the poem "О сомнительном произношении буквы Г в российском языке" each word with the exception of prepositions contains letter G!

  2. 1.My attitude to the English poetry wasn't so tightly enframed by time limits, but I had no reason to boast about the knowledge of the cultural legacy of Thomas Campion (XVII century) or Robert Southwell (XVI century). That's why The Burning Babe and Times go by Turns (Southwell) and "Now Winter Nights Enlarge..." (the first part of the Campion's poem) appeared to be for me fully unexpected discoveries.
Now I think is the best time to apologize to those for whom all what was written above hadn't been a revelation and to the others say "good luck, there're a lot of amazing discoveries awaiting us out there!" and give some (maybe useful) links:
  • some of the works of authors mentioned above on this site (Russian or English versions);
  • the most convenient (in terms of searching and readability) site of English poetry -;
  • direct reference to the works of Southswell (there you'll be able to hear some of his poems):

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