languages: learning resoursces. |

of the CDP
(Conservative Development
learning tips:
learnalanguage.html - how to learn another language quickly -
tips and tricks
http://www.freispiel.de/ -
look here for games and (what is more important) for homepages of
German gamemakers
LiTerra -
Audio Books of a number of Russian famous poets
Poetry - you'll find some German poems (human-read audio books)
here with links to gutenberg De e-texts
http://ingeb.org -
German and Russian folk songs, texts and melodies
stories, fairy tales, fun stuff:
http://www.gutenberg.org -
free e-texts and audio books, human-read and computer-generated.
http://lib.ru/ -
Библиотека Максима Мошкова, daily updated online library. В основном,
книги на русском.
.com/maerchen.htm - Deutsche Märchen
http://www.mega-anekdot.com -
really funny stuff from Russia.
.net/home.php -Free online Russian language lessons
/dw/0,2142,2469,00.html - German Courses of Deutsche Welle
http://www.german-grammar.de -
manual of German language for English speakers.
languages/german/ - Learn German with BBC.
 Useful links:
http://www.filehippo.com -
not a very big one, but a great place for useful freeware downloads,
very convenient
http://www.mozilla.com -
the home-page of Firefox, one of the best browsers, and of Thunderbird,
a post client (both are freeware)
http://www.free-av.com -
German anti-virus program, freeware
http://www.free-webhosts.com -
a list and reviews of free web-hostings
http://en.wikipedia.org -
a free multilingual encyclopedia, in which each can create, change
or supplement any article
http://www.the-underdogs .info -
freeware games, some of them are just brilliant
Chairman of the CDP:
Alex A. Soubbotin.
Telephone: 765-4845.
E-mail: Alex@Soubbotin.com |
- Texts.
- Make sure to visit gutenberg.org. This is a great collection
of e-texts in different languages (freeware).
- Books in Russian http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/languages/ru.
- Books in German http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/languages/de.
- Библиотека Максима Мошкова: http://lib.ru/,
daily updated online library. В основном, книги на русском.
- A lot of books you'll be able to get as torrents through
Internet or Usenet (you ought to think about using PeerGuardian2).
- Audio files.
- Works of a number of Russian famous writers LiTerra.
- http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/categories/1 -
human-read Audio Books. There are computer generated ones,
also, but they are difficult for perception. And, in addition,
you can process any text file using MS Text-to-Speech or
any semilar engine in exactly the same manner.
- At http://librivox.org/newcatalog/visitor_advanced.php you'll
find a few Russian and some German audio files.
* You will not find any works protected by copyright there.
- A lot of books you'll be able to get as torrents through
Internet or Usenet (you ought to think about using PeerGuardian2).
- English as the main language of the resources:
- Russian or German as the main language of the resources:
- targeting Russian:
- http://www.gramma.ru -
сайт "Культура письменной речи". Русский язык (справа
список тем): морфология, орфография, синтаксис, лексикология,
фразеология. Обязательно загляните в комнату отдыха.
- Cправочно-информационный ресурс "Грамота.ру", здесь
Вы найдёте словари, ссылки, игры, тексты книг, интерактивные
диктанты (используйте MS Internet Explorer) и т.д. http://learning-russian.gramota.ru/.
- Диктанты по русскому языку (слушаете и печатаете,
затем проверяете): http://language.edu.ru.
* In this case, as you understand, all sites on the Russian
Internet (*.ru) can be looked at as a training material.
- targeting German:
- http://www.dw-world.de/dw/0,2142,2068,00.html -
die kostenlosen Sprachkurse der Deutschen Welle.
* As far as we know, all courses come with English as
the main language, with the exception of Marktplatz.
- http://www.deutsch-lernen.com/d_index.php -
Deutschkurse, Lerntipps, beruhmte Zitate, ein Worterbuch.
- http://www.goethe.de/z/jetzt/deindex.htm -
Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene (Goethe - Institut).
* In this case, as you understand, all sites on the German
Internet (*.de) can be looked at as a training material.
Mini-games (flash, JavaScript, etc.):
* Often you can find mini-games (flash, JavaScript, etc.) on
the pages of online courses (see above).
- Free downloadable:
- German: http://www.freispiel.de/ - look here for games and (what is more important) for homepages of German gamemakers.
- Rusian: Nothing found (yet).
- A lot of games you'll be able to get as torrents through Internet or Usenet (you ought to think about using PeerGuardian2). Look for adventures or quests with good steady subtitles.
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